Exhausted with the relationships that never turn out well? If this is you:
Had a few relationship but non-worked out well
Somewhat exhausted with relationships that keep ending
Somehow they didn’t work and you don’t know why
And you're looking out for
Serious relationships
People who share the same interest/perspective/beliefs as you
People that you can really connect and not just fooling around
You're definitely at the right place!
Hear from June, has met her other half with us. Here's what she find her first date to be: "it was amazing and planned perfectly by the matchmaking team. After the first date, I didn’t follow the 3 days rule of texting or wait for him to text - I texted him 2 days later, and from then on we were inseparable, doing everything together!"
Our relationship managers believe that "If there is a will, there will always be a way" and always shared this metaphor with people they meet. Each date that members have been on, helps them in gaining a new experience throughout their dating journey. All you need is a little push and faith in finding the right one. Take the first step and leave your problems with the professionals here!
Only 4 steps to finding love!
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