Event Recap: Singles Craft Workshop [GaiGai X The Rainbow Artisan]


Last Friday night, our GaiGai team held a Singles Craft Workshop Event at Goodman Arts Centre. We collaborated with The Rainbow Artisan to host this Singles Meet Event.

Our team controlled the number of participants and gender ratio to allow for 1-1 matching in this small-scale event.

Matching Based on Love Languages by GaiGai

Every participant got a custom sheet explaining their match.

Prior to attending the event, we individually contacted participants to complete an in-depth love language quiz to determine their top love languages (Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, and Receiving Gifts). This allowed our team to match participants up as craft partners for the workshop according to their specific love language scores.

On the day of the workshop, each participant received a personalised sheet pack explaining who they got matched with. We also included several infographics (not shown here) in the sheet pack as part of the GaiGai event experience.

Jesmonite Holder Craft by The Rainbow Artisan

Featuring pictures of some of the participants' creations for the GaiGai event.

Alice from The Rainbow Artisan hosted the crafting part of the workshop. She guided participants step-by-step on how to create phone or card holders. Each participant decided on their own mould, design, and colours. Some decided on a swirl-style, while others created a terrazzo-style holder.

The holders were created using jesmonite. Jesmonite is a safe and toxic-free water-based acrylic resin. It is an eco-friendly and versatile material because it can replicate a diverse range of textures, and create a wide variety of products.

What Participants Got Out of the Event

Each GaiGai event participant got:
-their own individual phone or card holder
-1 to 1 matching 
-time to mingle with all the other participants 
-mini personalised profile packs with infographics

Our team structured the event so that participants would get 1-1 time with their craft partners, and opportunities to get to know all the other participants. Everyone got to take home their polished creations in a cute bag.

Overall Rating by Participants: 4.5/5

-End of Article-

Want to join a GaiGai Event?

We typically host 2 events per month.

>>Click here to check out our latest events.

Want to learn more about love languages?

>>Click here to check out our blog post on the 5 love languages.

Looking to get matched to a compatible partner according to your preferences?

>>Click here to sign up for a FREE profiling session to find out how.

Love Languages – How to Communicate Your Love Effectively

The 5 Love Languages

What are the 5 Love Languages?

The 5 Love Languages are:
Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Gift Giving, and Physical Touch.

The five love languages are five different ways of expressing and receiving loveNot everyone communicates love in the same way. Similarly, we all have different ways we prefer to receive love. Everyone can learn to appreciate and accept a bit of each love language, but the majority of us tend to lean towards 1 or 2.

*This concept of love languages was developed by Gary Chapman, Ph.D., in his book ‘The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts’.

Why is it Important to Know This?

Two people who have different love languages will need to find ways to communicate their love for each other effectively.

Understanding the 5 love languages will improve our relationships IF we apply the information in a fruitful way. By knowing the 5 love languages and how to express each of them, you can:

  1. Communicate your needs clearly
  2. Learn to compromise if you and your partner have different love languages
  3. Adjust the way you show your love so your partner responds in a positive way

Breakdown of the 5 Love Languages

Let’s go in depth on the 5 love languages and share the DOs and DON’Ts of each love language.

1) Words of Affirmation

Words mean a lot if your partner has this love language.

If your love language is Words of Affirmation...
You should say, "Thanks for taking the garbage out. Love you!". 
You should not say, "It's about time you took the garbage out. The flies were going to carry it out for you."
Compliment them oftenSpeaking in a harsh tone 
Make them feel appreciated even for the smallest thingsUsing insults, trash talk and criticism
Use positive language to build up the other personPutting your partner down in front of other people

2) Acts of Service

Your partner might have this love language if their motto is “Actions speak louder than words”.

Examples of the love language, Acts of Service, would be washing the dishes and giving your partner a massage.
❤️DOs 💔DON’Ts
Show that you are more than glad to help them outActing burdened or grumbling while helping
Take initiativeLeaving most of the chores to them
Carry out such acts with a smileNot following through your promise of helping them 

3) Gift Giving

This love language isn’t necessarily materialistic. It just means that a meaningful or thoughtful gift makes your partner feel loved and appreciated.

Examples of the love language, Gift Giving, would be writing a note or card, or giving your partner a present.
❤️DOs 💔DON’Ts
Gift sentimental gifts (ie something handmade)Forgetting to bring even a small gift on special occasions
Take note of your partner’s interests and gift something according to thatGiving thoughtless gifts
Wrap up gifts nicely and even write a card to go along with itNot listening to requests, suggestions or “hints”

4) Physical Touch

To people with this love language, nothing is more impactful than the physical touch of their partner.

Examples of the love language, physical touch, would be hugging or holding hands.
❤️DOs 💔DON’Ts
Give regular hugs and kissesBeing physically abusive
(You should never do this no matter what!)
Initiate physical contact
(ie holding hands)
Neglecting your partner or being physically cold
Stay close to them physically on datesRejecting them when they initiate physical contact

5) Quality Time

If this is your partner’s primary language, they don’t just want to be included during this period of time, they want to be the center of your attention.
Examples of the love language, quality time, would be spending time together at a table, chatting and drinking. You can also talk to each other on the phone late at night if you're too busy to meet up.
❤️DOs 💔DON’Ts
Stay present with your partner Not listening when they speak
Show that you are actively listening to them with your eye contact and body language Being distracted when you are doing something together, such as using your phone
Respond when they tell you somethingNot making time regularly to meet up with them

-End of Article-

Need more tips or examples for the love language, ‘Acts of Service’?

>>Click here to check out our TikTok video for new tips and ideas to express your love.

Want to be ready to express your love through ‘Words of Affirmation’?

>>Click here to check out our Instagram post for 10 examples you can choose from.

Want to meet someone with a similar love language style as you?

>>Click to Join our Singles Craft Workshop Event and get matched to a craft partner according to your love language scores!

Looking to get matched to a compatible partner according to your preferences?

>>Click here to sign up for a FREE profiling session to find out how.